Volunteer Tours

Palmu Adventure is dedicated to promote the most affordable and exciting travel and volunteering programs in Nepal for the betterment of local communities in need and to enrich the lives of travelers around the globe. Its unique and innovative ways of working make it a highly competitive and popular travel and volunteer placement in Nepal, providing a truly satisfying and fulfilling experience for all travelers.

Volunteer working in Nepal with Adventure gives you a rewarding volunteer and travel experience that feed your soul by knowing the local cultures and different ways of life across Nepal while helping to volunteer with the local communities (women, children, youth and teachers) in Nepal. This is the reason why more and more people are choosing to volunteer in Nepal every year with Palmu Adventure, as it helps them to gain different perspective, particularly within the realm of the caring field. We heartily welcome you to join our meaningful volunteer programs in Nepal and change the way you see the world! Make a difference!

We aim to support the work of local community through the placement of local and international volunteers and offer a wide variety of volunteer programs in our working area. We provide unique opportunities for safe and memorable volunteering and travel experiences in Nepal combined with enriching and rewarding voluntary work. Our volunteer programs give opportunities to have in-country travel and have the real feel of a new culture while living with your home stay local families.
Our volunteer programs include both short term, 1 week to long term 3 months. We however, highlighted the Volunteer Opportunity for 3 to 5 weeks to suit your travel plan. With offering low cost volunteer program in Nepal, we invite you to join our volunteer programs in Schools rural and urban, healthcare, environment, teaching English, women empowerment, medicine, Tibetan monastery and lots more.

Adventure Holidays  has designed many different Summer Volunteer Program options: